Bankruptcy can free you from overwhelming debt to give you a fresh start on your finances, however it is a serious commitment and should not be entered into lightly. Make sure bankruptcy is your right option by taking the free bankruptcy test and comparing the options available to you online.
The cost to go bankrupt varies throughout the UK. In England and Wales bankruptcy fees total £680. Help may be available with the cost to go bankrupt if you are in receipt of certain benefits, and some grants are available from Bankruptcy charities. Check what bankruptcy will cost you...
How to apply for bankruptcy?
This guide tells you the bankruptcy forms you need and where to get them from.
We show you how to fill them in and the process involved in going bankrupt. You can
also get our help to complete the paperwork with our Fast Track Bankruptcy
Application service.
Can you avoid bankruptcy? Bankruptcy can be an effective way to solve personal debt, however it should ALWAYS be considered as a LAST RESORT, the Court will expect you to HAVE considered any alternatives you may qualify for. This guide explains options that may be available...
With over 200 people each day going bankrupt in the UK, Bankruptcy Advice Online has been launched to ensure people get the confidential and impartial advice they need when they need it.
Declaring yourself bankrupt can help you start with a clean slate by removing your debts, leaving you debt free in as little as 12 months.
Our online bankruptcy application service is completely confidential and free to use, and if you qualify for Bankruptcy we can hold your hand through every step of the bankruptcy process. Learn more >
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322 people a day are declared bankrupt or insolvent in the UK
Average debt of each adult in the UK. *Source Money Statistics May 2023
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